So far so good, the body of work is steadily away and people seem to like it, which I am always flattered by when other people like my work. It is my first 'real' body, in two months of development and already it has been shown to the public in the markets of Norwich (exhibition featured the work on 14th-17th Jan). The press came and wrote a little article which can be read here. The work is also scheduled to be displayed at 'The Open' in Norwich (8th-21st February), another exciting time for me especially being a first-year university student.
I have taken over 30 portraits of people who live/work in the city centre of Norwich so far. I feel I am slowly and gradually painting a portrait of Norwich, communicating a very small part of people's lives.
'We are all living life, but not the same life...'
The quote above is with reference to me and something I think that summarises the work (so far) well. I am working hard at the moment juggling small commission shoots, assisting jobs, uni work and my own photo projects like food photography but it is all worth it, and I wouldn't want to be doing/studying anything else right now. I now know I have picked the right course.
To anyone who is looking to study photography or be a photographer, it sounds cliche but it does not come without the effort, dedication and sweat you put into to your time management, and personal work... as with every occupation in life (creative and non-creative). If you are not sweating and exhausted at the end of the day, every day, you are not working as hard as you can.
Cover image is a behind the scenes film photograph captured by Joe Ereira.